ec archives造句


  1. The EC Archives publishing history has been a troubled one.
  2. Unlike most comic-book publishers, EC archived artwork after initial publication.
  3. The entirety of the Picto-Fiction magazines are unlikely to be reprinted as EC Archives.
  4. His EC Comics reprints include the black-and-white EC Annuals, and the full-color hardcover EC Archives.
  5. These EC Archives volumes have drawn praise for their quality, and feature introductions by such notable EC fans as George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante and Paul Levitz, et al.
  6. It's difficult to find ec archives in a sentence. 用ec archives造句挺难的
  7. Russ Cochran's reprints include " EC Annuals " in full-color, comic-book sized reprints with four to six complete comics in each " Annual "; and " EC Archives " full-color hardcover books containing six complete EC comics.


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